Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Arissa 1st Aeroplane Experience!

On 5 May 2007 at 4.30pm, Arissa had her 1st ride in an aeroplane to Kuching, Sarawak with T.Bah, Papa & Umi. Eventhough the event leading to our visit there was not a celebrative event (as we had to pay our visit to Florence & Co as they were injured in an accident), nevertheless it did not dampen out enthusiastic little cherub's spirit throughout the whole journey. Arissa naik Air Asia and sat with Umi. Arissa was not afraid at all and seem to had a good time as asyik giggling & smiling at the other passengers. Tried giving Arissa nenen to prevent her ears from the cabin air pressure, but she was too excited to nenen properly. Dont know whether she realised that we were way high up in the sky. Umi tried showing to Arissa that we are in the clouds and down there are the roads & sea..and we are very high up in the sky...but, nope..no sense of fear at all...

6 May 2007 at 9.50pm, Arissa's flight back to KLIA. Arissa was a bit grumpy..Penat agaknya. Finally, Arissa did a wowo! Panic Umi & Papa..as we never had the experience of changing her in a moving vehicle before, especially not on air...all in all, Arissa had a good flight with us...

Love you Comeltoes...

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